Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is this movie? (Made before 2008, no A-listers)?

It's about a man who meets a woman in a bar that refers him to this list of people willing to have sex in the city he lives in. I think it's the first girl he meets he sits and talks to her instead of having sex right away. She takes it as kind of strange and point out to him that the normal thing is to just do it and than go about their business. I think they talk about a chinese food restaurant at some point and eventually end up having sex. It's kind of a love story about a guy who's lonely and finds some one while looking some where people don't normally look for love. I don't care about the sex but more the song played during the scene. I know this is kind of abstract and i know the movie isn't mainstream but I would really appreciate if some one could help me find this movie so i can look up the sound track and find the song. The first time i watched it my room mate had ordered it from netflix so it didn't have a box that i could remember the picture from. At first I thought this was a Kevin Spacey film but I've looked and can't find a movie that he's in that matches these criteria.

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