Friday, August 12, 2011

My now ex-roommate refuses to pay her utilities from last month what should i do?

So basically I had a very messy and irresponsible room mate that liked to to be very impulsive and rude. Fortunately for me she moved out about 10 days ago unfortunately she left a mess and now refuses to pay me the 160 dollars for utilities owed last month. That would include water/sewer (80.47) gas charges (36.87) cable up to the end of the month (and half of the month before because of how the billing is done (295.96) electricity (and I'm guessing about the same or so for next month so a guestimated (108.44) because i have 2 other room mates i divided it by four coming out to a total of $130.37. On top of that our maid (aka a friend who's decided to clean our house for 8 an hour) is going to have to pick up the mess that she made in the master bedroom which she had to herself and the master bathroom which she also had to herself for the most part aside from the shower has to clean up the mess which she left behind. Assuming that all of the caked on make-up on the door and the bathroom and bedroom take about 3 hours to clean up that's about 24 dollars that's now about 160 dollars. She is arguing this case with her mother and is making life generally difficult. Now my question to you good people of Yahoo is should I now charge her for only giving two weeks notice. Now my town house landlord would charge two months rent for her that would be about 525 dollars (seeing as how my town house is 1050 a month and there are 4 room mates). My other question is should I charge her for damages done? The vertical blinds were knocked over "by the wind" but I will probably be charged to get someone to get them back up there or should I charge her for my time (I make about 15 dollars an hour). On top of that I had let her know that I was to be charging her on the 7th she asked me when I needed the money by and I told her the 10th. Well least to say she isn't paying today and my town house charges 50 dollars on the first late day and ten dollars every following day up to 80 dollars. So here's the issue I can most likely sponge about 700-800 dollars out of this girl for being exceedingly obnoxious should I?? Should I give her the ultimatum of 160 vs. 700-800?? The problem is that someone who cannot pass algebra 2 should never go up against someone who passed calc with a B without staying conscious through the lectures.

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